داستان آبیدیک

show up

ʃo ʌp


1 عمومی:: حاضر شدن‌، كسی‌ را لو دادن‌، سر موقع‌، حضور یافتن‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران


1 general:: Phrase(s): show someone up to make someone’s faults or shortcomings apparent. • John is always trying to show someone up to make himself look better. • John’s excellent effort really showed up Bill, who didn’t try very hard at all., Phrase(s): show up to appear; to arrive. • Where is John? I hope he shows up soon. • When will the bus show up? • Weeds began to show up in the garden.

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

2 general:: 1. Be clearly visible, as in The print doesn't show up against this dark background. [Late 1800s] 2. Put in an appearance, arrive, as in I wonder if he'll show up at all. [Late 1800s] 3. Expose or reveal the true character of, as in This failure showed up their efforts as a waste of time. [Early 1800s] 4. Also, show someone up. Surpass someone in ability, outdo someone, as in John's high score on that math test really showed up the rest of the class. [Colloquial; first half of 1900s]

American Heritage Idioms

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